This past week, Oct. 31-Nov. 2, Kairos Wesr Michigan hosted Mark Braverman, a Jewish clinical psychologist, theologian and shalom activist. Groups of students, clergy and community members gathered at Calvin Seminary, Western Michigan University, Hope College and many other community venues to hear Mark’s witness for peace in Israel-Palestine.

KWM Exec. Director Bart Den Boer interviews Mark Braverman at KWM’s Fall Banquet on November 2.
You can hear Mark’s entire Western Michigan University presentation at this link.
Please Donate Now As we say here at KWM, “Everything we offer is free. Except it isn’t.” From low-cost zoom opportunities to great national/international speakers like Mark Braverman, everything is no charge to participants. Even our delicious Mediterranean Fall Banquet was FREE!We are a small non-profit, with one partly-paid employee, dedicated to the cause of equal human rights for everyone in Israel-Palestine. We have a BIG challenge doing this important work. Frankly, we need your financial support to continue educating and advocating for peace with justice. We ask for your financial support once per year. This is that time. Thank You! |